We are sorry to hear of your loss. The death of a loved one is such a difficult time for the entire family. We hope you can find comfort in God's Word the Bible. At John 5:28, 29 the man Jesus Christ said, "...the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out..." This scripture helps us to appreciate that one day in the near future we can see our loved ones whom we have lost to that enemy death. What a wonderful hope for the future. We are confident that this scripture and other verses in the Bible will provide some solace and relief during this time of sorrow.
I heard the sad news of Doug passing from my son-in-law Ashton Maxfield. Doug and I had seldom seen each other for years except for a few times. Back in the 60's we were friends in school. By the summer of 1967 we were always together, hanging out at his dad's gas station,dragging main, or stopping at the A&W Drive-In. In the fall of 1967 Doug and another friend of his set me up on date to go out with a girl named Joanne Knoll. Well as things turned out Joanne & I started dating and we have now been married for 44 years and have 4 kids and 4 grandkids and one coming. I always felt Doug played an important part in Joanne and I getting together. In the summer of 1968 Doug and I graduated and soon after left on trip in my1967 Mustang up to Enemy Swim Lake,South Dakota to my dads old cabin. That cabin is still there and when I go there I will think of Doug and the fun we had, just two friends roaring down the road in that Mustang with the radio blasting. So long Doug. Billy Nelson.